Friday, September 21, 2007

Da Logo

I know, I know, my logo has a lot of copyrighted works so this is where I found them.
The answer is....


Anyway, this is a song about suing.

I'll Sue Ya - 'Weird Al' Yankovic

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

All about Pokemon Diamond !!!

Well, not THAT Pokemon Diamond. Heard of Pokemon Jade? If you did, good for you. If you haven't, too bad. These is the AAPD series about Pokemon Diamond, which was really a game called *&%$!@#! Power (It's in Japanese) while "Pokemon Jade" was *&%$!@# Speed. They were translated into Engrish (not English) by a Chinese Software Pirate. This means that the speeches are 75% understandable. Here are the vids!

Ep. 1

Ep. 2

Ep. 3

Ep. 4

Ep. 5

Ep. 6 ( I know it's weird)

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Maple Ma Fan

Weird leh... can't use the tickets grendel gave me to go to orbis. Bug?Fake tickets?(possibility 1%)Or hack? Help me solve the problem by:posting here or buddying me. The name's Kichiman.
1k to those who help me in maple!

MAPLESEA 4 EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MeZhan Ming Huda (cannot get Wei Yang's pic leh..)

Stuff of the Month

Ok....the band of the month is Linkin Park ( I know they are not VERY famous now but...)with their song, Papercut (creepy hor?)

Oh and the video of the month is the crazy frog bros. (I know this is 2 years ago but I found it damn funny ok....)

yeah,yeah, I know I cannot find any new stuff for the moment so give me a month can???