Tuesday, September 4, 2007

All about Pokemon Diamond !!!

Well, not THAT Pokemon Diamond. Heard of Pokemon Jade? If you did, good for you. If you haven't, too bad. These is the AAPD series about Pokemon Diamond, which was really a game called *&%$!@#! Power (It's in Japanese) while "Pokemon Jade" was *&%$!@# Speed. They were translated into Engrish (not English) by a Chinese Software Pirate. This means that the speeches are 75% understandable. Here are the vids!

Ep. 1

Ep. 2

Ep. 3

Ep. 4

Ep. 5

Ep. 6 ( I know it's weird)


Paul said...

Wow! Thanks for featuring me in your blog! How did you find my videos?

Anonymous said...

Good post.